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My Story

Girl Behind a Sheet




My name is Jessy! I am 27 years old and I live in Dallas, Texas. I was 25 when I got diagnosed with c-diff. I had a standard wisdom tooth removal procedure. Unfortunately, several infections developed because of some bone fragments left in my jaw. Along with two more surgeries, I was prescribed several antibiotics to help with the infection.  First I was given Amoxicillin which I took for 7 days. Then I was given Clindamycin which I only took once because it made my throat itchy. I was then given Amoxicillin again followed by Flagyl. All of the antibiotics gave me diarrhea which my doctor said was common and it stopped when I finished the medication. It was a two month long process healing from my wisdom tooth surgeries. I wasn't able to open my mouth completely for over a month and was limited to soft foods like mashed potatoes and ice cream. My work allowed me some off time during surgeries and at home to recover. I felt much better towards the end of the second month.


However, almost a month after finishing my last antibiotic I started having diarrhea and terrible stomach pains. I felt nauseous and day one I knew something was very wrong. I can't fully explain it but once you've had c-diff, I'm sure you can agree, your body just feels very wrong and off. This was more than a simple stomach bug. My stoll was also yellow tinged in color. It didn't have that horrible smell I read about that is apparently a trademark sign of c-diff. I also kept feeling like I needed to go number 2 constantly. I probably went 10 times a day. I went to my doctor and they referred me to a gastro doctor. I told them my symptoms and they suspected c-diff which was then confirmed with a stool test. I remember how horrific taking my first stool test was. Now I am a pro haha. There's nothing like putting a bag of poop in your freezer. 


My doctor prescribed Flagyl for 10 days. I had already taken Flagyl from my wisdom tooth operation and still got c-diff so I was afraid it wasn't going to work. Flagyl had already taken a toll on me and that combined with c-diff was rough. I was so nauseous I could hardly eat. I was losing weight rapidly. The stomach cramps were horrible. My work was also no longer flexible with me leaving so much for surgeries and sickness so I had to work. It was the worst of times. I remember sleeping in my car for my lunch break because I was exhausted. I was the most anxious I have ever been. Everyday I was in a full panic. I thought I might die. Looking back I know this anxiety prolonged my illness and weakened my body further, but all of the information online was terrifying and I saw almost no information about someone my age getting c-diff.


After finishing the 10 days of flagyl I was still having on and off diarrhea. Three days later I had the worst stomach cramps I've ever had and I began having blood in my stool. My friends came picked me up. I had to crawl to the car. I went to the ER where they quickly quarantined me with no wait lol cause no one wants c-diff. They suspected the c-diff was back and gave me a vancomycin prescription. It cost me $300! But you gotta do whatchu gotta do! After completing this round I was tested and got a clean stool sample! Yay! No more c-diff!


Unfortunately, I still was having episodes that felt like viruses where I would have diarrhea for a week or so and I thought it was coming back I would get tested have to keep getting tested and everytime it was c-diff free.  So, just know your body will need a long time to bounce back! In some ways I've never been the same. I developed post infection IBS for a year and couldn't eat or drink many things like red meat, coffee, soda, rich dairy, lettuce and alcohol. Now, two years later I can eat almost anything I want. Sometimes coffee, alcohol and read meat upsets my stomach. 


I was lucky that I only had c-diff for a relatively short time. I know people have suffered for months or even years with this. 


I decide to make this website to provide a safe place to share information.  For me it was difficult to understand this illness. Information was spread out and most of it freaked me out. I hope this site can provide you with helpful insight and encourage you on your road to recovery!


Feel free to tell your story on the next page or contact me below! I'm not a doctor and I cannot determine your course of treatment, but I would love to hear from you!


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